Publications de – Publicaties van : Liesbeth Claes (par
ordre chronologique – in chronologische volgorde) :
- recensie van “The consecratio coins for Commodus, a reconsideration”, in RBN 158 (2012), p. 207-224.
- recensie van Carlos F. Noreña (2011), “Imperial Ideals in the Roman West. Representation, Circulation, Power” in
Ancient History Bulletin Online Review 2 (2012), p. 94–96.
- Kinship and Coins: Ancestors and Family on Roman Imperial Coinage under the Principate.
2013. Nijmegen (diss.).
- De opvolgers van de Romeinse keizer: een numismatische studie, in Ex Tempore 4 (2013).
- A note on the coin type selection by the a rationibus, in Latomus 1 (2014), 163-173.
- Nero’s Ancestry and the Construction of Imperial Ideology in the Early Empire.
A Methodological Case Study”, in Journal of Ancient History and
Archaeology 1.4 (2014), ter publicatie
goedgekeurd (samen met O. Hekster, N. de Haan,
Y. Klaassen, E. Manders en D.
recensie van Kinship and Coins. Ancestors and Family
on Roman Imperial Coinage under the Principate, in Mnemosyne 67 (2014).
- Romeinse munten in de antieke
literatuur, in Maandblad voor
Numismatiek (2014) 101-106; 136-141;
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