Publications de – Publicaties van : Christian Dekesel
(par ordre chronologique – in chronologische volgorde) :
- Hubertus Goltzius, the Father of Ancient Numismatics (Venlo-Weertsburg 30.10.1526 – Bruges 24.10.1583). An annotated and illustrated
Bibliography, Gent, in eigen beheer (Bibliotheca Numismatica Siliciana), 1988, viii + 213 p. (ill.).
- Charles Patin. A Man without a Country (1633-1693). An Annotated and lllustrated Bibliography, Gent, Bibliotheca Numismatica Siliciana, 1990, xv
+ 370 p. (ill.).
- Bibliothecae Guelferbytanae Numismatica selecta. Twelve Highlights from the Numismatic Book Collection in the Herzog August Bibliothek
(Augusteer) in Wolfenbüttel (BRD), Gent, Bibliotheca Numismatica Siliciana, 1991, 106 p.
- Bibliothecae Universitatis Gandavensis. Numismatica selecta 1514-1599. Numismatic books printed before 1600 in the Central Library of the
University of Ghent, Auteur, Gent, 1992, vii + 486 p. (ill.).
- Charles Patin een numismaat uit de 17de eeuw, in JEGMP, 1993, p. 17-23 (ill.).
- Jean Foy-Vaillant (1632-1706), the antiquary of the King, in Numismatische Literatur 1500-1864. Die Entwicklung der Methoden einer Wissenschaft
(Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 64), Wolfenbüttel, 1995, p. 47-55.
- The boom of numismatic publications between 1550 and 1559, in R. Albert en R. Cunz
(Red.), Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Numismatik. Beiträge zum 17. deutschen Numismatikertag 3.-5. März 1995 in Hannover, Speyer, 1995, p.
- Bibliotheca nummaria : a bibliography of 16th century numismatic books, illustrated and annotated catalogue, London, 1997, xli + 1059 p.
- Hubert Goltzius, een 16e-eeuwse numismaat, in JEGMP, 1999, p. 17-33.
- Les publications numismatiques du 17e siècle, dans BCEN, 36, 1999, p. 89-95.
- Bibliotheca Nummaria II. Bibliography of 17th century Numismatic Books. Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue, 3 vol., Spink, London, 2003, xliv +
3190 p.
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