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Since 1842, the Society publishes every year the Revue belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie.

A Scientific Council monitors the quality of the contributions. It is composed as follows:

  • Alain Bresson (University of Chicago)
  • Christopher Howgego (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
  • Selene Psoma (University of Athens)
  • François Thierry (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris)
  • Lucia Travaini (Università degli Studi di Milano)
  • Reinhard Wolters (Universität Wien)
  • Bernward Ziegaus (Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, München)

It has been decided to sell old volumes that are still available at special prices.  Click here for more details

It is possible to consult a cumulative table of contents, since volume I (1842/44), by clicking here.

If you are interested in publishing in our Revue, click here to find out the conditions.

If you are interested in the guidelines for the peer reviewers, click here.

If you are interested in the ethical norms that the RBN respects, click here.

You can also consult the proceedings of the colloquium Belgian Numismatics in Perspective, organized on 21 May 2016 on the occasion of our 175th anniversary, by clicking here.

The Society or some of its members have also published several works on Belgian medals, which can be consulted (in pdf) by clicking on the number of pages :

  • L.-F. Le Begue, Notice sur l’histoire métallique de la Révolution belge de 1830 (1832)      [54 p., 5 pl.]
  • J.-L. Guioth, Histoire numismatique de la Révolution belge [1830-1843] (1844/45)      [410 p., 63 pl.]
  • Idem, Histoire numismatique de la Belgique [1844-1849] (1851)      [347 p., 58 pl.]
  • Idem, Histoire numismatique de la Belgique [1850-1856] (1869)      [283 p., 53 pl.]
  • [Under the auspices of the SRNB], Souvenirs numismatiques du cinquantième anniversaire de l’Indépendance de la Belgique (1885)       [60 p., 10 pl.]
  • É. Laloire, Souvenirs numismatiques des Fêtes jubilaires de 1905 (1907)       [62 p., 11 pl.]
  • [Under the auspices of the SRNB], Médailles historiques de Belgique 1869-1890 (s.d.)      [220 p., 83 pl.]
  • [Under the auspices of the SRNB], Médailles historiques de Belgique 1891-1908 (s.d.)      [210 p., 48 pl.]
  • [Under the auspices of the SRNB], Médailles historiques de Belgique 1909-1919 (1919)      [321 p., 62 pl.]
  • V. Tourneur, Catalogue des médailles du Royaume de Belgique 1830-1847 (1911)       [321 p., 36 pl.]
  • F. Alvin, La médaille en 1912 (1913)      [50 p., 10 pl.]
  • F. Alvin, Les portraits en médaille des Célébrités de la Belgique (1916)      [106 p.]
  • Ch. Lefébure, La frappe en Belgique occupée (1923)       [340 p., 106 pl.]

In 1891, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Society has organised an international numismatic congress in Brussels.  You can consult its proceedings by clicking here (with thanks to Google Books).

Finally, we aim to publish a series of web-files on subjects linked to Belgian numismatics or monetary history.  Here is the list of existing files :

Latin Monetary Union

Reference works on Belgian numismatics Development of a medieval numismatic font


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